Mobile Sharp Bin Holder
Mobile sharp bin holder gives medical personal the convenience of disposing needles and syringes easily while working. The holder is designed specifically to fit the MWSB10 and MWSB20 Sharp Bin which gives it a height and stability. Another added advantage of the holder is the ability to attach trocar bin to it as well.
Pairing two medical waste bins on one holder helps eliminate clutter and increases the efficiency of medical personal. The modular design also means less cost spent on holders.
Made from mild steel the holder is sturdy and will not topple easily. Comes with smooth rubber wheels for ease of moving it around.
Available Sizes:
MSBH20 – For 20 litre sharp bin
MSBH10 – For 10 litre sharp bin
Frame – Tubular Mild Steel and Hollow Square
Pail: Polyethylene Heterophasis Copolymer
For more information on our line up of Medical Waste Bins – > CLICK HERE

Sharp Bin Holder with Trocar Attachment

Sharps Bin Holder View